Exclusively at The Bunker!

Fresh, delicious coffee to fuel your days.

Once upon a time, there was a coffee cup named Joe. Joe wasn't just any ordinary coffee cup; he was a distinguished military veteran with a rich history of service and valor. Joe had been crafted in a small, cozy pottery studio many years ago, but his story truly began when he was issued to soldiers in the field during a significant military campaign.

Joe served alongside his comrades in countless missions, providing them with the warmth and comfort of a good cup of coffee in the most trying times. He witnessed firsthand the camaraderie, the struggles, and the triumphs of the soldiers. Joe was there in the trenches, the barracks, and the makeshift camps, always ready to offer a moment of solace through his steaming contents.

After years of dedicated service, Joe was retired from the military. However, his journey was far from over. He had seen enough conflict and division to last a lifetime, and he yearned to continue serving, but in a different capacity. Joe decided to join the police force, where he quickly rose through the ranks to become a commander. His experience, leadership skills, and steadfast dedication made him an ideal candidate for the role.

Now, as Commander Joe, he leads a diverse team of officers with the same principles of unity and support he championed in the military. But Joe’s passion for coffee remained undiminished. He believed that over a good cup of coffee, people could bridge differences, share stories, and find common ground. Every morning, he would gather his team in the precinct's break room, brewing a fresh pot of coffee to kickstart their day. These morning gatherings became a cherished tradition, fostering a sense of community and cohesion among the officers.

Joe's philosophy was simple: whether in the battlefield or in the city streets, people need each other. He used his experiences to bring people together, emphasizing the importance of unity and understanding. Under his leadership, the precinct became known not just for its effectiveness but also for its sense of family and support.

Through it all, Joe remained a humble coffee cup, but one with a heart as big as his service record. He continued to pour warmth and encouragement into every cup, reminding everyone that sometimes, the simplest things can make the biggest difference.

We are delighted to share our Commander Cup with all our customers. This special cup serves as a reminder that no matter what challenges we face in our lives, something as simple as a cup of locally roasted coffee can make a significant difference.

In partnership with Rockabilly Coffee, we are committed to bringing you the finest coffee experience possible. Enjoy the rich, robust flavor that only comes from quality, locally-sourced beans. Here's to finding joy in the little things and savoring every moment.

Thank you for being a part of our community!


“Straight from the coffee cradle!” This high-altitude, wet-processed Ethiopian gem kicks off with a zingy brightness, dances with sweet lemony vibes, and wraps up with a crisp, dry finish sprinkled with berry and floral whispers. Sip, smile, repeat!

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A harmonious rebellion of beans from three coffee-growing powerhouses, each roasted to perfection for a full-bodied, complex flavor. Ignite your senses with vibrant berry notes and a zesty citrus kick, followed by a velvety smooth finish that lingers like a sweet dream. This ain’t your grandpa’s coffee. It’s a revolution in every cup. Explode your taste buds from the mundane. Order now and experience the difference.

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  •  A delightful explosion of sugary top notes dances with toasted nuts and sneaky chocolate whispers, all wrapped up in a buttery smooth finale that’s pure magic!

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